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Hello, following the disappearance of the developer who managed my servers on linode for my Shopify applications. I'm looking for someone who can update SSL certificate + secure servers. In the sense, change the access identifiers. I don't want the old dev to be able to access it anymore (SSH / webmin).

2 Replies

Linode Staff

I just wanted to make sure you're aware that Linode has a Professional Services team that can perform this kind of work under contract if you're looking for someone to do this for you.

I know it'll sound biased since I work here, but they're really good. You can fill out this form to get a quote here:

You might be able to find someone from the Linode Community to do this for you as well, but I just wanted to mention it in case you need.

update SSL certificate + secure servers. In the sense, change the access identifiers

These are fairly simple to do. You can read the guides on the Linode site or just Google for the task you want to do.

The community here will help you… just ask one thing at a time.

As for SSL, you can install the free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.

What distro and version of Linux are you using?

What kind of Shopify applications are you running… and do you really need all seven servers?


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