✓ Solved

Reverse DNS not working?

I set up my site following the guides for LAMP on Ubuntu 20, configuring DNS and reverse DNS as well as setting up HTTPS.

However whenever I type in my domain name it redirects me to the IP. Eg if I type in example.com my browser will go to 123.456.789.123 and tell me that the certificate isn't valid.

Should I just wait a bit longer as it's been 6 hours, or is there something else I could look at? This is a 'fresh', separate Linode to my previous one which is working fine and looking at its DNS, hosts file etc seems to be similar (with different domain names obviously).

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Resolved. Turns out that my Wordpress site was doing the redirect, I've updated its settings under Settings.

It can take up to 24 hours to resolve.

Been more than 24 hours now, I've re-read the rDNS guide so have raised a ticket as it's still not playing ball.


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