Reverse DNS not working?
I set up my site following the guides for LAMP on Ubuntu 20, configuring DNS and reverse DNS as well as setting up HTTPS.
However whenever I type in my domain name it redirects me to the IP. Eg if I type in my browser will go to 123.456.789.123 and tell me that the certificate isn't valid.
Should I just wait a bit longer as it's been 6 hours, or is there something else I could look at? This is a 'fresh', separate Linode to my previous one which is working fine and looking at its DNS, hosts file etc seems to be similar (with different domain names obviously).
3 Replies
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Resolved. Turns out that my Wordpress site was doing the redirect, I've updated its settings under Settings.
Been more than 24 hours now, I've re-read the rDNS guide so have raised a ticket as it's still not playing ball.