Newbie. I am not able to log into the server via puTTy or CMD Prompt etc

I am hoping someone may be able to help me with this issue. I want to get a new SSL certificate but I can't even log into the Linode server.
I get into puTTY ok and it says login as:
I write the server name [thebeat] and enter. An error dialogue appears saying….
no supported authentication methods available (server sent publickey)
Yes I am a total newbie to this.
Does anyone have a link or is able to impart some knowledge in accessing the server via putty.
Thank you.

8 Replies

You have to enter in the server’s IP address to login with Putty.

Yes I am already past that initial login and into the dialogue box.
I can't seem to add a screenshot here so basically I'm on the next black page where it asks for the log in details….
login as:

I'm not sure what to write there to log in.

You should be able to share a image link by using something like

That error message is due to having some issue with the public/private key login you must've setup. See under the section Harden SSH Access

You might have setup password authentication to "no" which would not allow you to login via a username and password.

The only other thing I can think of is that you're not selecting the private key or the key is not working for some reason which would be on your system.

To check for that on Putty, you would select SSH (click on the +) then click on auth and that would show the directory path for the private key you selected (if you selected it) for authentication: See screenshot here

Worst case you can use LISH to login and edit the following File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config using vim or nano and editing the following line:

Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
PasswordAuthentication no

Where it says PasswordAuthentication change it back to yes

save the file and restart sshd using the following command sudo systemctl restart sshd

Thanks for your help. Still nothing happening though.

That error message is due to having some issue with the public/private key login you must've setup. See under the section Harden SSH Access
----I checked that but can't find anything. I'm not even sure how I can check anything if I can't access SSH, or am I missing something?

To check for that on Putty, you would select SSH (click on the +) then click on auth and that would show the directory path for the private key you selected (if you selected it) for authentication: See screenshot here\
----Checked but I can't see any key.

LISH is the same, I can't login there either. I have tried ten times and the same.

I'm not sure I am even putting the correct code in the dialogue box. Maybe I could pay you for a tutorial?
my whatsapp number. +628123929515

Did you setup a sudo account with that username? If not the default username will be root

The password will be what you set when you created your linode. If you don’t know it you can reset in your linode account.

Hi again. I try to log into the LISH with root.
I can't type or paste the password into the screen and then it times out.
I can't log in to LISH nor anywhere, it doesn't even let me type the password in.

Ok I would look through this guide to see additional troubleshooting steps:


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