OpenVPN Password Issue

Hi All,

I installed the OpenVPN through the Marketplace. There was no option for the VPN Password, so, I can't log into the OpenVPN Access Server. Any way to retrieve or change the password in Linode?
Thank you!

4 Replies

Linode Staff

Your issue here seems to be different from the widespread reports we've received of OpenVPN not accepting the passwords set during installation from our Marketplace Apps.

I tried creating one myself and I can confirm that the "VPN Password" field has been removed from the setup process however, there is a workaround to login as this is being worked on. This community post has all the instructions to retrieve the username and password of the VPN server and also change the password if desired.

I was able to login following the instructions provided in the post to retrieve my username which should be "openvpn" by default and the password.

Alternatively, the login credentials including the Admin UI and Client UI login details can be found at usr/local/openvpn_as/init.log. Simply run cat /usr/local/openvpn_as/init.log to display the contents of the file.

I hope this helps.

I have the same problem, when setting up the VPN in marketplace there was no option to create a password. I run the command above but i get "directory not found".


cat /usr/local/openvpn_as/init.log | grep "password"

and you will find the login password.

The default username is "openvpn".

Case this may help someone…

Sometimes, you may forget the actual interface password itself like I did. OpenVpn gives you the ability to change any user password from the command line of your server instance.

1) Once logged in as root, run

cd /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/

2)Then run

./sacli --user <user_name> --new_pass <password> SetLocalPassword</password></user_name>

It saved me


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