✓ Solved

After I configure the firewall, the panel with the port 20949 cannot be opened, and the website cannot be opened either

The configuration information is as follows:
Inbound Rules:
1.Default inbound policy:Drop.
2.ssh \ TCP \ 22 \ All IPv4, All IPv6 \ Accept.
3.https \ TCP \ 443 \ All IPv4, All IPv6 \ Accept.
4.http \ TCP \ 80 \ All IPv4, All IPv6 \ Accept.
5.bt \ TCP \ 20949 \ \ Accept.
6.The local ip of my computer is:
7.The URL stored on the server is::https://www.jndzj.cn/

Why can't my computer access the control panel with port 20949?
Can't open the website?
Teachers, please help me to see, where did I configure it wrong? Thank you very much.

6 Replies

✓ Best Answer

I did another port scan and I’m still only coming up with ports 80 and 443 being open from what I can see.

Linode Staff

Theres a number of things that could cause this. First, I'd recommend checking to see if you also have firewall rules set up with iptables on your Linode. If that checks out, then make sure that you can connect to your Linode at all from your local computer. Try disabling the cloud firewall then connect once more. If you're still not able to, there may be a problem somewhere between your location and your Linode. Try running an MTR report to diagnose the problem.

When I did a port scan, port 20949 is not open. Only 80 and 443 are open.

I just adjusted the firewall configuration, and I can connect to the linode server instance remotely. The only problem now is "My computer ( cannot access the 20949 port control panel", what's the matter? The current configuration is as follows :

1.Default inbound policy:Drop.
2.ssh \ TCP \ 22 \ \ Accept.
3.https \ TCP \ 443 \ All IPv4 \ Accept.
4.http \ TCP \ 80 \ All IPv4 \ Accept.
5.bt \ TCP \ 20949 \ \ Accept.
6.The local ip of my computer is: .

My purpose is to target the panel with port 20949, which can only be accessed by computers with ip

Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and help. Now I have solved the current problem.


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