How do I increase my disks maximum size? Can it be done by booking a volume?

Hello everybody,

I have a Linode with a small website side-project on it, which among other things stores audio files that you can later listen to (Specifically: Recordings DnD Sessions). I'm slowly running out of storage space for my node which is on the Nanode 1GB plan.

All I need extra is storage space, nothing else. Thus, upgrading my plan seems like a bit of a waste and pretty expensive for a hobby side-project. Booking additional volumes for 10 cent / month per GB seems the way to go. However, for convenience's sake I'd love to somehow just add that volume to my disk's maximum allowed size. Is there a way to do so?
Or do I have to mount the volume separately and get a messy webpage configuration where my audio-files can be on both the disk or the additional volume (This is the only thing I've found documentation for so far)?

1 Reply

Presuming you aren't doing anything like raw disks with btrfs or some other file system, there isn't a way for you to add a block storage volume to your current disk to increase its maximum size, that I know of. I would recommend scheduling some down time, moving your website content over to the block storage volume, and either changing your web root to point to the new path, or mount your block storage volume where your web root currently is. After that, you should be able to bring up your web server, and everything should work as it currently does.

After that, to expand your block storage size in the future, you simply need to increase the volume size and expand your file system to fill the new available space. You might need to reboot before the Linode will see the new, full size of the volume.

Good luck,


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