upgrading to a bigger linode vs. buying extras


I believe this is an obvious question however I could not find answer to it :(.

I have a linode256 and I'm running out of bandwith (100GB). Now I have two options:

a) upgrade to linode384 (cost 30usd/month)

b) buy extras to my existing linode384 - I would need around 40GB/month which would cost 20usd/month (so overall cost of my linode would be 20+20=40usd/month)

I do not understanding this pricing now, cause option a) gives me not only the bandwith I need (150GB instead of 100GB) but also more ram, more cpu, more disk.

So now the question - why is the pricing created that way and what's the point at all in paying for "extras" (a very similar situation is the other resources) unless you are on linode 1024 ;)?



3 Replies

Just a quick response – we want there to be incentives to upgrading vs just purchasing extras -- especially with regard to RAM and disk space.

On our end, we group similar Linodes together on a given host. In your case you're on a host with only other Linode 256s. Purchases extras on your host could essentially prevent us from selling another Linode 256 on that host.

An advantage to upgrading for you is that there would be less Linodes fighting for CPU/disk/network time. Go for the upgrade!


hello Crhis,

Thank you for your quick explanation!


I must admit, I had been wondering the same thing - at the lower end, there's no point at all in getting extra RAM because you can get the same thing and more by upgrading the plan. The only reason to do so would be on the higher plans if you need an amount of memory in between plans; as soon as you hit a higher plan then you may as well go for it.

Okay, there's one difference which could be important; RAM upgrades require only a reboot, plan upgrades require migration. But that's really nor a big difference and not big enough to matter for most people, I suspect. :D


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