Install 3cx v18 on linode?

Does anyone know how to install 3cx v18 on a linode server?

I've tried doing the custom distro walkthrough ( ) with no luck. Even when changing the cdrom path to /dev/sdb and letting it run through the whole install, at the very end it fails to load grub with error "The 'grub-pc' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot."

Not sure what is the best way to go about doing this?


1 Reply

Troubleshooting things like this sometimes just takes some A/B like testing. That said, I did some Googling and found another customer who created a Community Stackscript for 3CX on Linode:

The Stackscript is provided here:

As with any Community Stackscript, it's not on created by Linode, so I cannot vouch for it. Even if you don't use the Stackscript to deploy a new Linode, you can still view the script it self and maybe that will help with troubleshooting.


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