✓ Solved

How do I ?

I have a private image and I have a faulty linode host. I want to reinstall the faulty host from the private image, but keep the public ip address for the faulty host. Is it possible ?

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

For the guide on uploading and setting up a Linode with a custom image is here:


It looks like you have to deploy a new Linode, BUT since you want to keep the old IP address, you can swap the IP address from the other Linode once the new one is setup.

  • Click on the old Linode
  • Click on IP transfer
  • Click on select action
  • Click on swap with and select the Linode you want to swap with
  • Once that is all completed, reboot the VPS so the new IP address takes effect.

Oh I can already see. Thanks for the help


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