node balancer traffic chart of ipv6

how to view node balancer ipv6 traffic chat, to ensure is it working properly with ipv6 and how much traffic is on ipv6

1 Reply

The Linode Manager won't show IPv6 traffic amounts for your NodeBalancer, but there's a few other ways to approximate this:

  • On each backend Linode, refer to the IPv6 network graphs in the Linode's dashboard

  • On each backend Linode, install a network monitoring tool that can display IPv6 traffic. For example, you could run iftop with one of these flags:

Display and count datagrams addressed to or from link-local IPv6 addresses.  The default is not to display that address category.
-G net6/mask6
Specifies an IPv6 network for traffic analysis. The value of mask6 can be given as a prefix length or as a numerical address string for more compound bitmasking.

Link: iftop


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