can we point subdomain ip to port other than 80 ?

When I am updating the domain A/AAA record , I have subdomain pointing to a different up, however I would like to use a service on port other than 80 or 443, i.e on port 5543 .

but when I am trying to access the service remote via which is what I am updating using the below code

      "type": "A",
      "name": "vpn",
      "target": 'x.x.x.x',
      "priority": 50,
      "weight": 50,
      "port": 5543
resp = requests.put(URL, data=json.dumps(PAYLOAD), headers=headers)

3 Replies

Port numbers are not the province of DNS. Which port number(s) your app uses are up to you and/or the app configuration. In several variations, DNS maps names ( to IP addresses (…period. The port number is not relevant to that process.

-- sw

Port numbers are not the province of DNS. Which port number(s) your app uses are up to you and/or the app configuration. In several variations, DNS maps names ( to IP addresses (…period. The port number is not relevant to that process.

In your case:

"target": 'x.x.x.x',

you need to make sure the target is listening on port 5443 to service the request you are sending (and that both the source & destination of the request/reply have port 5443 open in their respective firewalls). DNS has nothing to do with any of this.

-- sw

In addition to what @stevewi said, to view the webpage you have to enter in the port number too. or whatever port number you assign.


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