How do I automatically add/remove nodes from NodeBalancer

Is it possible to keep the manually created NodeBalancer updated with new added/removed nodes to the Kubernetes Cluster?

I'm using nginx-ingress with clusterIp configuration

    enabled: false
    failurePolicy: Fail
    port: 8443

      annotations: {}
      ## Deprecated, instead simply do not provide a clusterIP value
      omitClusterIP: false
      # clusterIP: ""
      externalIPs: []
      loadBalancerIP: "MY_IP_HERE"
      loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
      servicePort: 443
      type: ClusterIP

      enabled: true
        repository: jettech/kube-webhook-certgen
        tag: v1.0.0
        pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      ## Provide a priority class name to the webhook patching job
      priorityClassName: ""
      podAnnotations: {}
      nodeSelector: {}
      resources: {}

    annotations: {}
    ## Deprecated, instead simply do not provide a clusterIP value
    omitClusterIP: false
    # clusterIP: ""

    ## List of IP addresses at which the default backend service is available
    ## Ref:
    externalIPs: []

    loadBalancerIP: "MY_IP_HERE"
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
    servicePort: 80
    type: ClusterIP

The when I add nodes manually to NodeBalancer with corresponding ports, everything works as expected

But would be great if nodes automatically would be registered/removed in NodeBalancer when I scale

2 Replies

If "scaling" is some event where you can run a program (either manually or on your behalf by some agent), I'm pretty sure you can use the Linode API for this:

-- sw

The endpoint for deleting a NodeBalancer node can now be found here:


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