Why would a mid-month bill occur and what could I do to prevent it?

Hello I was reading this guide: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-linode-billing-works/

And I was wondering why would the $50 mid month charge occur and what could I do to prevent it. Is it due to highly increased traffic? In which case what would be the best way to prevent the unwanted traffic, would it be through setting up a firewall? I don't have the web server setup (just the Object Storage for the static file serving while I'm developing my Django website). But I'm planning on getting the $10 plan to serve the website.

Could we expect to be charged $10 monthly for the rest of the website's life once it has been set up.

2 Replies

Mid-month billing occurs if you go over a certain amount. Support would know what amount and/or if your account would be affected.

Having only $10 a month plan won’t trigger mid-month billing.

You may receive a mid-month bill from Linode if you reach a certain threshold of Linode services used within a single month. For many users, this amount will initially be $50.00. That amount can be adjusted over time by accruing a positive account history. In general, a history of on-time payments to Linode will increase the threshold amount.

Meaning that if your total Linode services is greater than $50/month, you will receive a mid month bill until you establish good payment history, in which the threshold will go up higher.


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