Changes to automatic payments for customers in India

Linode Staff

What is this?

If you’re based in India or use a payment method from an Indian bank or card issuer, starting October 1st, 2021, automatic recurring payments to Linode may fail. This is due to new guidance on electronic payments from the Reserve Bank of India.

How do I prevent my Linode service from being disrupted?

We’ll notify you with a ticket if your automatic payment fails. To resolve automatic payment failures, navigate to Account > Make a Payment in the Cloud Manager to manually pay your outstanding balance.

Linode is working with our payment processor to ensure automatic recurring payments work as expected. If you’re affected by this issue, you may need to make manual payments at the start of each month until this is resolved. We’ll provide an update to this post when we have more information.

6 Replies

i have try for new account but cancel how to solution it

@buddh1dr If you signed up for an account and it was canceled, we ask that you send an email to that includes the last 6 digits of the payment card used as well as the username/email address. Please include any other information that you feel would be helpful to us when reviewing.

Once that is received the team can take another look at the sign-up. If the decision is made to activate your account, you will receive an email advising you of this. If you do not receive a reply, this means the decision to cancel the account could not be overturned.

Is there an update on this? My monthly payments are failing, and I have to log in manually and pay. Also, the RBI guided authentication mechanism (of sending an OTP to the registered mobile phone) is also missing.

It's been more than a year guys. Many other cloud providers run automatic payments in India. It doesn't look good.

At this time, I don't have anything else to add aside from letting you know I've recorded your comments on our internal feature tracker. I did this to help demonstrate how much of an issue this has been for our customers.

Any update on this or an ETA?
Not a pleasant experience to see emails like "Your Linode Account's Services Are About To Be Suspended" because of this.


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