✓ Solved

config firewall mysql 3306 using private IP

Hi, I have 2 Linodes


I've created private IP's and they both talk to each other over 192.*

I have created a rule on B to talk to A using the private address with default netmask of /32

It stops working as soon as I turn the FW on :(

appreciate any pointers?


2 Replies

✓ Best Answer


Created a MySQL outbound connection on A (3306) and it worked.

😎 Thankyou

It totally escaped me that I needed to let comms out!

I have created a rule on B to talk to A using the private address with default netmask of /32
It stops working as soon as I turn the FW on :(

You do realize that communication between a MySQL client/server is two-way, right? Create a rule on A to allow it to talk to B.

You don't need the net mask if the IP address(es) are fully-specified; i.e., 192.x.x.x. If an IPv4 address is fully-specified, it can only have a net mask of /32.

-- sw


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