Tab width for proper code viewing pleasure

Linode Staff

Your preference for tab width for proper code viewing pleasure is…?


9 Replies


Your preference for tab width for proper code viewing pleasure is…?


For the Pythonistas, Guido's Guide is at:

"Use 4 spaces per indentation level."

I don't tab; I "2 space".

8 takes up too much screen real-estate, 2 is too small to see and all values that are not powers of 2 are out - so 4 ;-)


…all values that are not powers of 2 are out

Since a 1 represents yes, a 0 represents no, and a 0.5 represents maybe… powers of 3?


I had to vote 8 since that's what I use 99% of the time. If I'm dealing with some heavily-indented code (sometimes due to my own coding laziness), I'll re-define the tab to 4 spaces temporarily. I like 4-space indentation visually, but not enough to change my habits. :)

I have my tabstops forced to 80 along with having visual spaces/tabs turned on. (So I can easily see when someone tries to sneak tabs into my code :P)

(Drupal coding standards say "use two spaces, no tabs.")

I hit the tab key, so whatever a tab happens to be :P

i use 4, but like NecroBones i'm willing to redefine the tab size based on the code

I loooove three-space tabs, but will settle for four. Two bugs me. Anything above four is really stupid to me, even when I'm on a 24" iMac :P


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