✓ Solved

Linode price forDedicated CPU Plans

Dear All,
I planned to buy following resource for my hosting application.
1- May I know with the proposed resources (specification) and price will it remain unchanged (no increased price in the future)?
2- If my usage over the limit (selected package) will it charged separately and how?

Dedicated CPU Plans
(8GB, 4, 160GB, 5TB, 40Gbps, 5Gbps, $60, $0.09)

Thanks to let me know.

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

  1. If prices change, there will be a notice sent out ahead of time.

  2. Going over your monthly data bandwidth will incur an extra charge.

Thank you for the inputs, LouWestin.

  1. In deep, we need this information for our customers as they need to plan if any price change or what they could select beforehand if any promotion for the first selection.
  2. So, if it is over the monthly data bandwidth it will be another extra charge to be billed separately.


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