Linode restoration creates unbootable/unmappable disk

Tried doing a debian upgrade, took a manual snapshot before that and had issues. Decided to restore my linode back to the snapshot. Had issues with this at first so restored an earlier backup from a few days ago but it won't power on.

Looking at the configurations, my Debian 8 Restored disk from the backup basically won't map as a block device. I get error "Disk ID 60365283 for /dev/sda not found" when assigning it to a device. I tried this on a new Linode restoration as well as the existing one I overwrote. Same error. The swap disk restores and can be mapped to /dev/sdX, but my main disk does not. It appears this backup is not legitimate. Why can't I map this restored disk?

1 Reply

It looks like you're encountering a relatively common issue where a configuration is looking for a specific UUID that is no longer present. Each disk created on a host will have a unique UUID. We recently added a troubleshooting section to our Backup Service guide to handle these types of situations. Essentially, you'll need to boot into Rescue Mode and make some adjustments to the Linode's setup to make the restore work.

Backup Troubleshooting - Linode Backup Disk Won’t Boot


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