How do I get Static Site (just a index.html) S3 object properly CNAME'd through Cloudflare?

I have a bucket and in that bucket is a style.css and index.html

all I want to do is use Linode's s3 to serve up that index.html through the use of a CNAME. But it will not return index.html if you run it through cloudflare. If you run it through non-cloudflare (for instance, I'm using another domain with CNAME) and it drops the TLS/SSL support that the docs say that its supposed to have.

My bucket name and subdomain do -NOT- match and I don't want them to match. I can make them match if required but I really don't want to add the extra characters if I don't have to.

I'm referencing this:

There's another post in there that basically says, from the Linode staff "This is broken and the solution is to use our own DNS servers".

I just want to know: Is this still the answer? Because if this is still the answer then I'm moving my S3 storage elsewhere. It should not be this hard to host a single index.html file that's 2kb big.

1 Reply

Because if this is still the answer then I'm moving my S3 storage elsewhere. It should not be this hard to host a single index.html file that's 2kb big

Honestly I agree it shouldn’t be this hard, and it’s not.

Here’s a .html file in Linode Object Storage:

Here’s that same HTML file being pulled from Linode OS, cached and served from Amazon Cloudfront, with a custom CNAME and SSL certificate that AWS manages for me:

Therefore I would lean more toward this being a Cloudflare issue or incompatibility with Linode, which you may well get elsewhere also.

If I wanted to, I could serve this HTML as the default (root) object of :-

Yes, I pay for AWS Cloudfront, but it’s pennies per month, and I get so much from them that costs big bucks elsewhere.


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