Websocket is not connecting with https but it is connecting from localhost

Websocket is not connecting with https but it is connecting from localhost.

3 Replies

What is a "websocket"? There's the service that run on internet ports 80 and 443 ("the web"). Applications talk to the service using a socket interface.

You're going to have to explain some more… Is "websocket" some kind of proprietary application interface?

-- sw

I am using socket on web, so when i run socket on 8080 port it is connecting from my localhost. Website is on https so i am trying to use 8443 port for connecting. Linode Support has open 8443 port for me to connect, but still websocket is not connecting via ip or sub domain.

Is your web server configured to communicate on "socket 8443"? Is it configured correctly? Have you set up the subdomain in DNS?

Just to get things straight, http/https are protocols used to communicate with services that your Linode provides to the world. Services are associated with ports…in your case the ports are 8080 for http and 8443 for https.

A socket is a C-language interface that applications used to communicate with the services using the IP address (or domain name), the port and the protocol (either TCP or UDP).

The socket interface looks like this:

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

Unless you are working on the guts of your web server or an application that talks to it (like a browser), use of the term "socket" is word salad.

Also, from this statement:

Support has open 8443 port for me to connect

it sounds like you are using managed services. You should contact support about this…that's what you're paying them for.

-- sw


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