Wordpress website design

I want to open a server to design a sales website with the open source wordpress. Please give me detailed instructions to do this, Thank

2 Replies

For actual website design, I would consult with a reputable website designer in your area. Linode might offer design services though.

For running a web server on Linode, their service is mostly unmanaged, with some exceptions. They do offer a mana fed option.

Ideally though, you’re going to need to know or have someone who knows Linux and running a Linux based server.

You can use a free one-click install from the Linode Marketplace. I've never done it as I like to install everything piece by piece. I had to learn quite a bit but the learning curve is not that steep.

First you have to spin-up a server with an operating system… I use Ubuntu 20.x.

Then you have to config the server, lock it down, etc.

Then you have to install the LAMP components… Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

You then need to create a database in MySQL for WordPress.

Then you have to create a virtual host for your new website… which I will assume you already have a domain for and either have it pointed at your Linode IP via an "A" DNS record at the registry… or you are using Linode's DNS by inputing their nameservers at your registry.

Next you have to install WordPress.

There are excellent step-by-step guides published by Linode to do all of these things. It is not that difficult if you can follow directions. But if you are not comfortable using the terminal (I use Iterm) command line and an FTP client (I use Transmit) then I suggest you go with a managed server via an ISP… I recommend Pair Networks… who will do all of this stuff for you.

The main (but not only) reasons to use a cloud server (Linode, DO, etc.) is to save money and have complete (root) control. The prerequisite is that you have to already know or are willing to learn some of the technology that goes into running a server and creating a website.

I hope this helps a little bit.


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