How do I SSH into to my Linode?

I can ping the linode, and select my linode from the LISH list, but in LISH, at "localhost login:" I can't seem to find a combination of username/password that works. At LISH I'm using my username and login password. The only LISH response I get is "Login incorrect".

What is the LISH login syntax at “localhost login:”? I type my username and press ENTER, then type my login password and press ENTER.

I've tried the Terminal approach and the web approach, with the same results. I reset the root password to ensure that it’s correct.

What am I missing?

1 Reply

See here:

or here:

The rest is up to you. Do you have port 22 OPEN in your firewall on BOTH your Linode and your ssh client machine?

-- sw


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