Install a Turnkey Linux image

Last question involving Turnkey seems to have been 11 years ago. Has anyone had any luck uploading and running a Turnkey image?

3 Replies

Linode Staff

I haven't installed or run TurnKey Linux myself, though I did see that they have an ISO file available on their website:

TurnKey ISO File

With that file, you can work through the instructions in our Install a Custom Distribution on a Linode guide to install that ISO on a Linode.

If you decide to test this out, I'd be interested to hear how it works for you.

It would be very nice to be able to use a Turnkeylinux ISO but to have it install to the native Linode Debian platform set so that backups and snapshots, images and so forth could be used.

I was able to do this in the Past with Turnkeylinux XEN images but have not been able to do so since TKL stopped supporting XEN.

How could this be accomplished?

There should be a better answer than the old link to "Install a Custom Distribution on Linode" I feel. That is put out very often but there should be a simple way I feel to have the "install" work within Linode's system well also.

You have accurately described the trade off between an unmanaged infrastructure provider versus installing an image directly to a baremetal machine; our distributions are maintained in a way to allow for consistently stable deployment versus the freedom to deploy anything through Cloud Manager. As far as the guide to install custom images, that is the process required to install distributions that are not currently supported on our platform, so those instructions are still the most applicable to the situation.

For a full list of our available distributions and to see any of their End-of-Life (EOL) dates, be sure to check out the link below:


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