sshd_config is restored to default every day

I have been trying with a new VM where I need to change the SubSystem to internal-sftp , i can do it but every other day the file is restore to its original state and I have to re-edit the file daylee basis.

any idea why the sshd_config is restored to default, even when I have had it saved properly.


3 Replies

any idea why the sshd_config is restored to default, even when I have had it saved properly.

You have something running on your VM that's doing this -- cron(8) job most likely. I know cPanel will do this…it's one of the reasons I escaped shared-hosting hell for Linode.

-- sw

No -- there is nothing running like cron etc. I am sure this coming from something related to cloud.

also there is no Panel like cpanel or anything alike installed on the system ..its a simple LAMP stack deployed here.

Still facing the issue.

Linodes don't do things automatically. You have to cause them to do things. Also, cron(8) is always running on a Linux system (whether crond or systemd timers).

Look at your crontabs again…esp the system crontabs and (ugh!) systemd. I'll bet you a beer that the culprit is systemd

-- sw


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