Hackerone invite only

Have been looking over the security items with regard to switching to Linode and noticed that the bug bounty program is officially closed to all but those invited. Is there a reason for this? How many are on the invite list, and how many are active? Without knowing that, have to assume the answer is none and none, i.e. the bug bounty program is a facade. Any information to the contrary?

1 Reply

@CGBS, we aren't currently adding new researchers to our program. That being said, we do not publicly share the amount of active members in this program or the reason for the capped amount of researchers. If you are not a part of our existing bug bounty program, and you have found a vulnerability within Linode's environment, you can email us at disclosure@linode.com. Please use our PGP key to encrypt your findings. You are also free to requests an invite for future consideration via the disclosure email.


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