What would you recommend Apache mpm pre-fort or mpm-event

I am expecting some significant site traffic (6 - 8 thousand) simultaneous victors over the next 2 days.

I am on a dedicated linode with 16 GB RAM.

I am thinking of the merits of optimizing Apache
Would I be ok with the default Apache mpm_prefork . or would you suggest I use MPM Event and PHP FPM.

What are the pros and cons

I am running Apache 20.04

Any help is greatly appreciated

1 Reply

Would I be ok with the default Apache mpm_prefork . or would you suggest I use MPM Event and PHP FPM.

Use mpm-event and php-fpm. In any case, you should STOP using the Apache PHP module. It's passé. It's slow. Prefork is a relic…from a time when hardware and OSs didn't have threading support.

Because of hardware support, threads are much more efficient and have better performance than processes.

Switching is easy…any problems you have will be of your own creation (relying on the assumption of single-threaded-ness).

-- sw


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