Can I cache Video content with Object Storage?

I have 30 videos in Object Storage, and wondering if it's possible to cache video content in Object Storage? Right now, I am looking at W3 Total Cache plugin, which works with AWS 3, but doesn't mention naything about Linode. Being that Linode Object Storage product uses an s3 compatible API, was hoping W3 Total Cache will work with Linode Object Storage. Does anyone know if this is possible? And if yes, do I simply provide Object Storage keys and URL information rather than that for AWS?

Sidenote, I am open to other suggestions for an AFFORDABLE ways to cache content on storage (trying to not use CDN). Thanks!!

1 Reply

W3 Total Cache - if it's compatible with S3 storage, then it should be compatible with our Object Storage. I've never tried it personally, but what I'm going to do is add some tags to your post to get it more visibility to our Community, so folks who may have implemented this can add their thoughts to this thread.

And if yes, do I simply provide Object Storage keys and URL information rather than that for AWS?

Yes, you would provide the information from us rather than any from AWS, since our keys and information are unique to our Object Storage service.

What I'd like to ask is that you come back here once you've implemented this and let us know of any successes or difficulties that you run across - that way this thread can be a good resource for other users as well who may want to give this a try.


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