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Not able to redirect http://sitename.com to https://sitename.com

I have followed the process of creating SSL certificate but when I type sitename.com,it is still showing insecure(i.e. http://).I have to manually type https://sitename.com in address bar to get the site in SSL mode(https://sitename.com).Why is it not automatically redirecting to https:// even if I type http://

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

This question comes up from time to time on the Community site, depending on which web server your using you may find these previous posts helpful:

For example, there are a few different ways to redirect HTTPS in Apache. The preferred way is to set up the redirect in the domain’s virtual host configuration file. The other way would be to set up the redirect in the .htaccess file.

Why is it not automatically redirecting to https:// even if I type http://

It takes intervention by you, the system administrator, to make this happen. Acquiring the cert and making the web server do something with it are two distinctly separate processes.

-- sw


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