Getting help with basic server management

Linode Staff

I know I'm responsible for configuring and maintaining my system since the management of my Linux server configurations is not supported by Linode. However, I'm getting frequent strange problems with my linux system that are beyond my technical skills right now. Do you know any good options I can look to for getting some help managing my server?

I saw that Linode offers professional services but that looks like overkill. I just need some basic help troubleshooting some issues right now. Then maybe later with maintaining and configuring the system every once in a while. I can pay for it, I just don't need anything fancy.

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

The Linode Professional Services team can perform contracted work for a fee. So you can definitely consider getting a quote from them. They typically take care of more advanced technical needs like site migrations and custom system configurations. This post on the blog talks a bit more about what they do.

If you just need some general help fixing something inside your server or configuring your web applications I recommend one of the following options:

  1. Drop a question right here in the Community Questions site to solicit the help of the Linode Community.
  2. Chat with the very experienced Linode Community members through our IRC channel.
  3. Contact a Linux administrator or freelance developer through a service like

I hope this helps. If you have more questions or need guidance about your Linode services you can always reach out to the Linode Support team; it's available 24/7. Cheers!

What OS are you running? What issues are you having? There are a lot of people (way smarter then me) who will try to help.

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