Generating DNS zones

Hello again,

After my success on Thursday I decided to add in a whole bunch of other DNS records today, but it doesn't look like they are being generated. I seem to recall that process being pretty much immediate. I know it says that zones will be generated every hour on the hour, but It's been nearly 2 hours since I added these and they haven't been generated yet.

It's probably me, but I thought I'd ask.



4 Replies

Hmm… I just ran the re-generation cron job manually, and it seems to have worked.

Would you mind making another edit (even adding a record then removing it) and waiting until the top of the hour to see if the "Last Generated" timestamp changes? I'll do the same here…



OK, I just found and fixed this bug. Edited zones should regenerate at the top of each hour.

Thanks for the bug report!


Just edited and did an update (when attempting to render the zone file after saving my edit) and got a ColdFusion error. You don't need me to post the error message here do you?



Looks like they all just got generated!

Thanks again!


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