How do I change the instance type of my node without setting up everything again?

I have a node running but its not being used that much so for the time being I want to lower its instance type. Though I don't want to create another node and re-setup everything from scratch.

Is it possible to migrate the node I have to another instance type without losing anything on it? I'm aware GCP has this feature but I can't find an option on linode.

1 Reply

i think I have found a way.

step 1: reduce your current node's disk size to whatever you want in the newer instance.

step 2: enable backups for your node and create a snapshot

step 3: create a new linode and import from a backup

step 4: select the snapshot you created and select your new instance type

step 5: update your DNS settings to point to the new node

step 6: test everything on new node and if its all good, delete the old node.


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