Hello Linode Community,

We have a WordPress website on a Liquid Web server now.

We are facing issues of PHP FPM processes been exhausted on their server constantly and our websites getting down.

They are unable to give us the proper solution on this front because of this we are thinking to MIGRATE TO LINODE SERVER but before that, I have few queries below :

1) Can someone from the community let me know for a website that gets around 150 PHP FPM process per second which LINODE PLAN will be best?

2) How many PHP FPM process we get per GB ram or where I can see a number or approximation so that I can decide which plan suits me ?

3) PHP FPM process per second is very important for me to know the approx number before I migrate the whole website to Linode ?

Please help us if someone has faced this type of issue and can share us a insights on this.

7 Replies

If resources are getting exhausted on your current server, it could be configuration settings that need to be adjusted or it could be a Wordpress plug-in bug that causing memory leaks or something else. It could also be that you need more server resources (RAM, Processor cores, etc)

I would first look at your configuration settings and see if there any settings that you could change to see if that stops the server from crashing.

As far as what plan you need, that largely depends on what your current plan’s specs are.

Also, you need to realize that php-fpm(8) is a multi-threaded beast that allows you to assign specific requests to specific thread pools. With judicious management, you can effectively mitigate the traffic impacts to your WP site(s) on the overall throughput of your system.

Also, you get charged for outbound traffic only…

-- sw

Hi LouWestin,

Thanks for the reply - actually the current server team is telling us that there are bots which are hitting your website and increasing the traffic spikes - in that case the PHP FPM process is getting exhausted.

But the bots are legitimate google bots and others and our website needs this high traffic .

So can you tell me if a website needs high traffic and process per second what needs to be done - how much RAM CPU we need -

Any example to calculate based on RAM or CPU will help us?

Hello Stevewi,

I know PHP FPM manages thing in a better way - but if my traffic is high this PHP FPM is getting exhausted - can you help me what needs to do - what plan will be better.

Our Per second process is about more than 150

Again, to answer your question about how much ram you need, it is going to depend on what your current server specs are.

Wordpress websites will inevitably invite more brute force attacks which will drive up RAM and processing power to your server’s limits.

What may look like legitimate traffic may actually be bot attacks. If that’s the case, I would mitigate those attacks.

@makemelive writes:

Our Per second process is about more than 150

and [@LouWestin] (/community/user/LouWestin) writes:

What may look like legitimate traffic may actually be bot attacks. If that’s the case, I would mitigate those attacks.

I agree with @LouWestin… I think you have a security issue rather than a resource issue. Do most of the requests come from Russia and China? That's a tip off for sure…

You should implement some of the defenses you can find here:

-- sw

iftop is good for seeing connections in real time. Obviously being a website, the connections would start and end quickly since they're only being served a webpage. Unless you have audio or video being played on the site.

However, if you're seeing clients with a consistent connection, even if the bandwidth is very low, that's a sign that they are probably doing some kind of brute force attack.


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