I have 2FA enabled and I’ve lost my scratch code. Now I can't log in.

Linode Staff

I have Two Factor authentication enabled on my account, I'm unable to log in and have lost access to my token application. I've also lost my secret key. How can I regain access to my account?

1 Reply

It happens! We have a process in place for this recovery - it's important to follow all the steps carefully, as this will ensure you regain access as quickly as possible.

First,upload the following images to our Credential Submission Portal - you can input ticket # 0 in the form.

  1. Photo/scan of the payment card on file with only the last six digits showing, the expiration date, and name (hide all other info) .
  2. Photo/scan of the front and back of your government-issued ID.

Next you’ll want to reach out to support@linode.com to explain the situation and let us know that you've already submitted your credentials to the portal. Be sure to include some identifying information about your account, such as your username or the email associated with it.

If you have any questions or issues surrounding this process, feel free to send us an email or give us a call:

  • U.S.: 855-454-6633
  • Int'l +1-609-380-7100


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