Using Gmail from Linode Ubuntu Server

Not exactly a Linode issue, but I need to prepare before I migrate..
I am running Ubuntu 20.04 with apache2 and PHP.

I would like to set up a google email that sends an order form to the originator as well as the business using Gmail.

I am using Vbox on a windows machine and eventually will move to Linode.

I am currently using my gmail account for testing. I have the php.ini configured as well as the Ubuntu sendmail. I do get a success message from the PHP mail() process, but I never receive the email.

I am wondering if I need SSL in my Vbox environment?

1 Reply

I am currently using my gmail account for testing. I have the php.ini configured as well as the Ubuntu sendmail. I do get a success message from the PHP mail() process, but I never receive the email.

Did you make a support request to open ports 25, 465 and 587 on your Linode? See:

-- sw


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