Fast deploy of Django + PostgreSQL + Gunicorn + NGINX


I know how to configure a server with Django + PostgreSQL + Gunicorn + NGINX, thanks to Linode documentation.

It's a pain to install and configure all this stuff by hand every time I need to deploy a new project.

What would be the fastest way to deploy a new Django project on Linode ?

Marketplace only installs Django or PostgreSQL or NGINX or… I don't think I can select multiple One-click installers from the marketplace.

I could try to make a StackScript ? But is it better to take time to create a StackScript or take that time to build Docker images, all running on the same Linode ?

Thanks for your help.

3 Replies

You are correct: Since each Marketplace app is technically its own StackScript, they can only be installed one at a time. Making your own StackScript is certainly a possibility and could help save you some time if you need to deploy multiple instances of the same combo of apps down the line. Docker may honestly be the quickest option for fast app deployment.

Otherwise, you're most likely looking at installing each app individually with the documentation you mentioned.

I haven't tried it personally, but this sounds like a potential use case for something like Terraform where you can deploy multiple instances/apps based on a specific config in a short amount of time. Since Linode has its own Terraform provider, I'd recommend checking out Terraform's documentation to see if you're able to piece together a working config with the apps you need.

Hope that gives you something to work with! Ultimately, I think you're headed in the right direction.

Thanks for your reply.

I'll check the Terraform documentation.

These days there are so many stuff to learn or at least to know about.
They're supposed to help us but analyzing what stack/techno/language to learn/use takes time to compare.


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