Linode BACKUPS - Can i access after Linode has been deleted?

Hi all,

So I had a Linode running for a couple of months now running a server for my friends. I set the Linode to backup every 2 weeks.. however, I wanted to also occasionally back the files up to my pc using FTP.

I've had a while off from managing the server and when I came back today I had totally forgotten the details for FTP transfer, and in my confusion, I ended up deleting the Linode (total noob move).

I was wondering if there's any way to access a backup or restore my data? Does Linode keep backups of this sort of thing? Also, how can I contact them directly? I can't raise a ticket as currently, I have no Linodes under my account.

Let me know what further information I can provide to help.


1 Reply

Backups are removed along with the Linode when it's deleted, though I do have some good news - when a Linode is deleted, we create a temporary Image of the Linode as a backup. It's an exact copy of the Linode at the time it was deleted. These Images expire after some time, based on how old the Linode was at deletion. You can use this Image to deploy a new Linode:

Deploying an Image to a New Linode

This Linode will have the same SSH keys, users, and passwords, though it will have a new IP address assigned to it. This will affect your FTP login information in which IP address you'll need to connect to.


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