Public Key Authentication for Limited Users

Linode Staff

Can you use key pair authentication for your limited user instead of password authentication?

1 Reply

Yes, you can create a key pair for your limited user instead of using password authentication. This process is done on your local machine rather than in the Cloud Manager. To get started, check out our guide on Public Key Authentication.

Here is a rundown of what you can expect when generating your key pair:

Step 1: On your local machine, you'll create a key pair using this command ssh-keygen -b 4096

Step 2: When prompted, accept the default id_rsa file that will hold your private key and the file that will hold your public key.

Step 3 (optional): You will be prompted to create a passphrase for your key pair. Keep in mind that if you enter a passphrase you will need to use it at every login.

Step 4: You should have now received your key fingerprint. From here you will upload your public key to your Linode's authorized keys file for your limited user. The process of doing this may vary based on the OS you are using.

Verify this by logging into your server.


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