Minecraft: "[ Failed ] Starting mcserver: unable to start"

Where are the logs to determine what may be causing MC not to start? Currently getting "[ Failed ] Starting mcserver: unable to start"

2 Replies

Hi there,

If you deployed your Minecraft using our One-Click Apps, your server logs files should be located within your Minecraft user home directory at /home/$serveruser/serverfiles/logs where $serveruser is the username for your Minecraft server.

This is a guide that we found and we think might be helpful in troubleshooting this issue. From the link, navigate to the Basic Usage section on the left hand side.

Usually when you first start Minecraft, it will create a bunch of new files. One of those files is eula file which you have to edit using vim or nano. In the text editor you have to change the word false to true.

Also, if you’re running Minecraft Java 1.17 make sure you have Java 16 or Openjdk 16 or higher. The new update requires it.


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