How do I reset the Owncast stream key

Linode Staff

I lost my Owncast stream key and now I can't log in to the admin interface. How do I reset it?

1 Reply

According to Owncast's troubleshooting guide you need to stop Owncast and then run the owncast command to reset it. Here's the sequence of commands I used to successfully reset my test Owncast installation:

systemctl stop owncast.service
/opt/owncast/owncast/owncast --streamkey [newstreamkey]
systemctl start owncast.service

Note that I used our Marketplace Owncast app, which installs Owncast in /opt/owncast.

Once I started the service I was able to log in to the admin interface (http://[ip]:8080/admin) using "admin" as the user and my new password.


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