Linode Manager status is stuck

I cloned a linode server and proceeded to make changes to the clone. My intent is to use this server for development and testing. I updated the clone's hostname, hosts file, and DNS information. I'm able to successfully start up and shut down the clone, but the Linode Manager seems to always be stuck at booting or shutting down.

Is this an issue with the clone or Linode Manager ?

3 Replies

@lowbias, the Community Questions site is a great place to get help from the Community about issues that our out of the scope of Support. For help with issues concerning your account, we ask that you open a Support ticket via the Cloud Manager.

We look forward to helping you!

I've noticed Manager taking a little while to update over the last few days as well.

I provisioned 2 new Linodes yesterday, and one sat on "Provisioning (100%)" for quite some time, even though it had built and booted.

I also swapped the IPv4 addresses, and for a short period, Manager listed both Linodes having the same IP address!

I hadn't logged a support ticket as it was only minor, wasn't causing any operational issues, and it did catch up soon after.

@andysh Thank you for your post. Your feedback was very helpful in identifying the issue.

@rdaniels I wasn't sure if it was problematic clone or the Linode Manager, hence my post on the community forum. I'm going to open a support ticket now since the issue seems to be persisting even today.


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