Encrypting file in Linode StorageObject

I have followed the Linode tutorial on server side encrypting file while uploading to ObjectStorage at https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/server-side-encryption. But unfortunately this python script does not encrypt the file and is stored unencrypted on the storage.

According to AWS support thread:

"You'll want to look for the x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm and x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5 HTTP headers in the response to this call to check whether the object appears to be encrypted."

I have checked the result and it does not include any of these headers. Does it means Linode ObjectStorage does not support server side encryption or I am doing something wrong?

1 Reply

Got it resolved. The python library was working fine, I was using PHP library and figured out that the encryption key should be exact 32 characters.


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