Slackware 10.0 base install problem
I start out with a Slackware 10.0 small install from the distro wizard, then install swaret to update packages to 10.0. i've even installed the entire l/ directory with pkgtool. then i try to use swaret to update slack to 10.1, or 10.2, or 11.0, all of which will cause the following error when i try to ssh into the machine.
-bash: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3.4' not found (required by -bash)
i have verfied that the symlink is there for, though it points to 2.3.2, not 2.3.4. i cannot even find a refrence to 2.3.4 on the machine at all. i'm still logged in from my first session, and i can do minimal things, though if i log off, i have no way of getting back to the shell to try anything and have to redo my entire image.
any help would be awesome. thanks again in advance.
3 Replies
Follow the correct sequence and it always works.