Slackware 10.0 base install problem

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I have been searching for a resolution for about a week now, but have not been able to come to any conclusions.

I start out with a Slackware 10.0 small install from the distro wizard, then install swaret to update packages to 10.0. i've even installed the entire l/ directory with pkgtool. then i try to use swaret to update slack to 10.1, or 10.2, or 11.0, all of which will cause the following error when i try to ssh into the machine.

-bash: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3.4' not found (required by -bash)

i have verfied that the symlink is there for, though it points to 2.3.2, not 2.3.4. i cannot even find a refrence to 2.3.4 on the machine at all. i'm still logged in from my first session, and i can do minimal things, though if i log off, i have no way of getting back to the shell to try anything and have to redo my entire image.

any help would be awesome. thanks again in advance.

3 Replies

Please disregard. i have found the solution.

Which was (for the benefit of the public)?



He didnt follow the instructions in the upgrade file. Specifically the one where it says telinit to single usermode and broke his glibc as a consequence.

Follow the correct sequence and it always works.



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