How do I cap my e.g. linode expenses

Say I have a programmed setup where linodes are setup and torn down automatically by a script/service.

I am afraid of a bug leading to more linodes being created than I intend, and running up extensive costs.

Is there any feature available to mitigate this through, for example by setting a limit on how many linodes can exist simultaneously?

4 Replies

Account limits like this are set by Linode at this time. That said, I think this could be a great feature, so I've added it to our internal feature tracker for future consideration.

If you want to have the number of instances limited, you can do so by reaching out to Support through a ticket.

Wonderful, thank you very much for your answer!

Any updates on this? An spending limit that I can configure would give me great peace of mind :-)

While I don't have any updates on when this feature will be implemented, I have your request to the internal tracking.

It's worth noting that we do our best to provide predictable pricing and avoid any surprises to your monthly invoices. You can check the Billing Page in Cloud Manager for Accrued Charges which is an estimate of the next invoice you will receive. Additionally, at the bottom of the Linodes Page you can see your Monthly Network Transfer Pool usage which shows the amount of Network Transfer you've used for the month. If you are approaching the limit of your transfer pool, the overage cost is $5/TB.

Additionally, you can check out this guide on setting up email alerts for resource usage on our platform.

As always you can reach out to the Support Team in a Ticket to ask account-specific questions.


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