my website is not down

my website stopped working. i did a ping to my website and it has no issues.
I rebooted my server, and it worked fine for a while then it is dead again. I made a nother ping and there is no issues.

I don't what could be the problem?


3 Replies

You’re going to have to provide more details. What error messages are you getting?

This site can’t be took too long to respond.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics

aside from the above, when I run LISH and enter my srv login: root
then when I enter my password, the line changes to this command "tcp_IN block*=eth0 out= mac=f2:3c:91:1

"tcp_IN block=eth0 out= mac=f2:3c:91:1"

This is a console message from the kernel wrt your firewall. It's normal. Console messages can interrupt sessions because…well…it's the console…

-- sw


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