How much It cost when intances is off?

If the instance is off and not running. How much it will bill? It is the same as you create the instance?
for example, I create Nanode1 that costs 5$ a month then I power off the instance. It will still charge by $5 a month?

Thank you.

3 Replies

I create Nanode1 that costs 5$ a month then I power off the instance. It will still charge by $5 a month?

Yes. Resources for your Linode are still allocated even though it's turned off. Given this, there's absolutely no reason to ever turn your Linode off…

-- sw

Thank you for this information..

Since there are still resources being reserved on the host machine where your Linode resides, the Linode is still invoiced if it's on your account, regardless of whether it's powered on or off:

If My Linode is Powered Off, Will I Be Billed?

If you would like to avoid being invoiced for the Linode, then I'd recommend downloading a copy of your Linode, which can be stored on your computer or other cloud storage option. Once you're ready to start using the Linode again, it can be uploaded to a Linode to function the same.


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