CDN with Linode 2021


what is the best practice for deploying a CDN using a Linode server now ? It looks like there is still no native solution using linode ?

Thanks a lot,

5 Replies

We've received requests like this in the past, though there is no news on if or when this might be something we do. That said, I added your request to our internal feature tracker for adding a CDN service.

In the meantime, there are many CDN options available to you. Here's a list of a couple of popular choices:

I personally use Amazon/AWS Cloudfront with Linode Object Storage and my server configured in a failover group.

If an object isn’t in the CDN’s cache, it tries my Object Storage bucket. If that gets an error (404, 500 etc.) it falls back to my server.

I have a script I run whenever I change the contents of the CDN-deployed assets which syncs my Linode Object Storage bucket with the server directory.

I have a custom domain, an AWS-managed SSL certificate, worldwide caching and it costs me… around 10 pence (~0.13c) a month!

It actually helps not having the CDN as part of Linode - in the rare event there is an issue with Linode’s network, chances are good the CDN has a copy cached already.

Amazon CDN does a nearest IP to the user lookup. Does Fastly or any other cloud service offer such a service as nearest lookup rather than simply round robin service?

Cloudflare: It is impossible to get sufficient information to make a purchase decision or cost estimate, and I have tried to contact their sales chat three times over the course of almost an hour. I can't believe it is so hard to get basic questions answered. I used to really love Cloudflare and all that they did but recently lack of timely customer service and incremental degradation in the user interfaces (definitely zero improvements where there is obvious room for them) has made me question whether or not the innovation is over and all that's left is the typical reversion-to-mean rent-seeking profit-first behavior typical of large corporations that are beholden to nothing but the pathological desire for eternal economic growth.

@hoohost, your last sentence must excite the Wall St Gods so sweet and divine.


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