Do I need Cloudflare?

I use Linode DNS and according to their documentation

Linode’s DNS service employs Cloudflare to provide denial of service (DDoS) mitigation, load balancing, and increased geographic distribution for our name servers. These factors make our service reliable, fast, and a great choice for your DNS needs.

Therefore do I need to configure Cloudflare separately? Or since I am using Linode DNS I am good to go.

1 Reply

Hi @corysulllivan,

This depends what on what you are looking to achieve.

Linode’s use of Cloudflare only relates to the DNS, which resolves your website name to your Linode.

Once that part is done, a potential attacker now has your IP address and can still hammer/try to penetrate your Linode directly.

If you employ Cloudflare yourself, you have to use Cloudflare’s DNS service, but it also then protects your Linode, as CF will return a CF IP for your domain, so all traffic goes through CF.

Only CF knows your Linode’s IP (albeit an attacker can still find your real IP in other ways.)


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