Understanding disk size when using images

I made an image from a Nanode, and now I have created a new 8GB Linode from that image. The 8GB server comes with 160GB of disk space, but when the instance starts running it only has a tiny disk size (3GB in my case).

I was able to power off the instance and Resize the disk to 160GB, and powering it back on afterward, it does now have 160GB -- all good.

Is this the correct way to handle the operation? I've looked in the docs about using Images but didn't see anything about the need to resize if your image is used to create a large Linode.

2 Replies

Hi @adamcox,

Yes this is correct behaviour and therefore as expected.

There was a similar query on here a while back. You can see the history, explanation and suggestions from the Linode team:


Indeed, that is exactly the thread I was hoping to find. I should have searched around more before posting!

Thanks for the response. It's not an urgent issue for me now, so I will do the manual resizing as necessary. A note in the Image documentation would make this clearer for others too…


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