Internal Communication Between to Linode servers

I would like to do the following

1) Create Second Network Interface on my server running within Linode Cloud
2) Would like to them to talk to each other using this newly created Network interfaces

I am not able to see an option as to where I can add an "Internal IP's / VLAN" options

3 Replies

You can add a "private" IP address by using the Cloud Manager:

  • Click on your Linode;
  • Click on Network;
  • scroll down a bit and click on the Add an IP address button;
  • Choose Private in the IPv4 type dropdown.

There is no VLAN associated with these unless you set one up…and I believe these addresses are only accessible to other Linodes in the same datacenter. So, if you want to have a private (IPv4) link between, say, the UK and Fremont, CA, you'll have to find another solution.

According to this thread:

private VLAN is in beta. However, I don't think this VLAN covers the same-datacenter-only, private IPv4 address available to your Linode. You should check with support about all this. They know their network far better than me.

-- sw

I use ZeroTier for that, works whit IPv4/IPv6 too.

However, I don't think this VLAN covers the same-datacenter-only, private IPv4 address available to your Linode

My understanding is it creates a virtual, segregated network that only the Linodes added to it are allowed to pass traffic.

I.e. the same as the current private network, only you get to control the IP range used, and no-one else within the DC can connect into your private network, or the Linode interfaces on it. I’m sure I read somewhere you can actually have up to 3 private networks within the same DC.

I can’t wait to try this out in London, but fear that may be a way off as London requires the “next gen” network for it.


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