Minecraft Server how do I become /op

I configured a Minecraft world on a Linode a bit of time ago for my kids to play on and it's been running well. They're asking me to turn on '/gamerule keepInventory true' in the game. Since I've never played the game, I'm learning a bunch about it but I can't seem to find exactly how to enable /op level permissions for the game for at least my Minecraft/MS username.

I see in a file called 'server.properties' it has 'op-permission-level=4'. I've also found some people that mentioned you could edit 'ops.json' and put in my UUID and username but that seems to empty the file upon a server restart so that's no good.

Any ideas? Thank you,

4 Replies

Hi Brett! You should be able to use the command ./mcbserver console to launch the Minecraft console from your Linode, then you can use the command op username to make yourself an operator (where username is your Minecraft username). This works because the server's console has full administrative privileges, so the ability to use it isn't tied to your Minecraft user's privileges. This method should persist through a reboot as well; you may find this thread to be helpful regarding why your ops.json is being overwritten each time the server is restarted.

Thank you! In the mean time waiting, I did try editing the ops.json file and found that I didn't have everything typed in there correctly with my previous attempts so I think that's why it would come back blank after a restart. Make sure you have no extra characters like I did. I ssh'd to the ops.json file on my Linode and opened it using Nano. Here's exactly what I put in (except I changed out the UUID and username):

"uuid": "XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX",
"name": "UsernameHere",
"level": 4,
"bypassesPlayerLimit": false

You can find your Minecraft UUID here by putting in your Minecraft username:

After editing the ops.json file and saving it, restart the Minecraft server and now I have access to '/gamerule' and anything else!

Thank you!

p.s. I did write this up in case someone comes up against what I went through, which was a lot of different searching and asking a few questions online here and there. It wasn't fun but I'm glad it's working now.

What I did was use the console window to give my Minecraft username ops

/op yourMinecraftusername

The console window is what you see when you start up your Minecraft world and it runs down the messages like World Loading 1% etc.

I don’t directly edit the Json files. Although I do edit the server.properties file with VIM

Once you’ve made yourself an operator you can log into the game and make most changes from that way since you’re an operator.

Hello, sorry for posting in an older discussion, but I just wanted to let you know, and any others that were looking to access the Minecraft server console the command is actually

./mcserver console


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